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The sustainable industrial and socio-economic development of São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) is heavily dependent on reforming the energy sector and transitioning from an almost complete reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy (RE) coupled with energy efficiency (EE).

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Webinar "Bioenergy for Energy Access, Security and Industrialization" on 10 May 2022, 02:30 CEST

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Webinar "Bioenergy for Energy Access, Security and Industrialization" on 10 May 2022, 3:00 CEST 

Participants will be able to join the webinar from 14:30 CEST

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Gestores, especialistas e professores que trabalham em institutos de formação, universidades ou centros vocacionais de Pequenos Estados Insulares em Desenvolvimento (SIDS) na África, Caribe, Oceano Índico e Pacífico são convidados a se inscrever para um Workshop virtual Train the Trainer do "Programa de Capacitação Online em Soluções de Energia Sustentável para Ilhas" .

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Managers, experts and teachers working at energy training institutes, universities or vocational centres in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Africa, Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific are invited to register for a virtual Train the Trainer Workshop of the "Online Capacity Building Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands". 


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