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The East African Centre for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE) and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) will be co-organising the second edition of the Sustainable Energy Forum for East Africa (SEFEA) from 22 to 24 June 2021. The event is supported by GET.invest, a European programme supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria; and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The EACREEE Business Plan was approved by the Board of Directors and will guide the operations of the centre between 2020 and 2024. In the plan, the EACREEE sets out its ambitious vision for the future – listing priorities, setting out programme of activities, and articulating the ideas and means that underlie and will drive those activities. This Plan has been written following extensive consultation with the wider EAC, with input and ideas from across the energy ministries, development partners, own staff, and far beyond.

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Vienna / Abu Dhabi 12 January 2021 - The upscaling of digital technologies presents a host of opportunities for small island developing states (SIDS) to diversify their economies, boost manufacturing, gain greater access to global value chains, and improve disaster preparedness. However, significant obstacles remain, including inadequate digital infrastructure, insufficient training opportunities for women and young people, a growing digital divide, and a lack of data and policy knowledge.

The compliance framework, which is being developed under the EELA Project, will support the implementation of the regionally harmonised energy efficiency standards for lighting products and appliances.

Further to the development of regional MEPS for lighting earmarked for implementation in the EAC and SADC countries; EELA provides short-term technical assistance on-need basis to support the MEPS development process at national level. This is one of the EELA measures to address the challenges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic on physical meetings for the National Technical Committees to finalise the discussion on the draft regional MEPS.This support has so far been provided to the National Technical Committees for Zimbabwe and Mozambique.


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