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The 5th Steering Committee of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) was convened by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) with support of the Governents of Austria, Norway and Spain, between 5th and 8th September 2022 at the Vienna International Centre.

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UNIDO is organizing the 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) programme, from the 5th to the 8th of September 2022 in Vienna, Austria. The event will bring together representatives from the centres, core donors and technical partners. The meeting will be held in a hybrid form and includes the possibility to participate by online means.

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The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in close partnership with  Export Barbados (BIDC) and the Ministry of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology (MIIST) is organizing expert meetings between members of the 

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Vienna, 28th July 2022. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) through its Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) have initiated collaboration leading to the establishment of a women and youth empowerment network under the global GN-SEC platform, as well as the implementation of highly visible south-south and triangular activities.


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