Policy Guidelines for the Sustainable Production, Marketing and Use of Woody Biomass Energy in Africa in the Offing

Saturday, 24 Nov 2018

A two-day regional consultative workshop on sustainable biomass production, marketing and utilization in Africa was held 22-23 November 2018 at the Africa Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The workshop was organized by UN Environment Africa Office in collaboration with the Department of Infrastructure and Energy, Africa Union Commission. A total of 35 participants are attending this workshop. These include representatives from various African Countries, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Sustainable Energy Centres and development partners, including the German International Development Agency (GIZ) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). EACREEE was represented by Mr Michael Kiza, the Programme Management Expert.

The main objective of this consultative regional Workshop was to review endorse the Desk Study Report (Review of Woodfuel Biomass Production and Utilization in Africa). The report was adopted, with minor comments. The report, among others, presents the current situation and trends in Africa’s biomass energy sector. For instance, it indicates that at least 60% of the current 1.2 billion people in Africa rely on biomass energy for heating and lighting, at household and industrial levels. This trend is increasing and is attributed to demographic and socioeconomic drivers.

The report will serve as a baseline for development a Policy Guidelines for the Sustainable Production, Marketing and Use of Woody Biomass Energy in Africa.  The overall objective of the policy guideline will be to contribute to building efficiency and sustainability in the biomass energy sector as part of the Africa region’s transition to modern renewable energy. The policy guideline will provide direction for a robust transformation of the biomass energy sector in Africa through multi-pronged innovative policy approaches at regional and country level. It will also take into account relevant continental and global development policy process, including African Union’s Agenda 2063, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement